Monday, June 30, 2008

Technology in Schools: Some Say It Doesn't Compute!

"children's expectation that learning must be entertaining and their failure to use all their senses or to become active learners;" This is the biggest point the article can be made concerning why technology in schools doesn't compute. I honestly think that students have forgotten or don't want to learn how to think for themselves. They want the information and answer given to them because thinking on their own takes too long and it is not as easy as finding the answer online. I find myself yelling at the kids to think and that they can do it. When they finally do believe me that they can figure out the solution, the expression on their faces is priceless when they discover that they have the brain power to think. Even before the technology issue was a big deal, calculators were as high tech as you got, I made my students work out the problems instead of using the calculator to help them.

It is a shame the amount of money put into upgrading the technology in schools today. Just think what greater good for the schools that money could be used for. Hiring more teachers to make the classrooms less crowded, hiring SPED help and resources, improving the PE curriculum to combat the obesity issue. Purchase better and updated textbooks. the list could go on and on, but you get the point. The money spent on upgrading the technology can be put to better use.

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