Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ethics of technology chapter 6

I love the idea of online voting! I know that the cons out weighs the cons, but wouldn't it be great if we really could do it without all the risks. I bet you so many people would vote, especially with this technology minded generation. Hey the politicians are blogging, having their websites, and using technology to reach the younger generation. If voting were online do you know how many 18 year olds would actually get off their butts (they would be seating down) and vote?! It is a nice idea, but their are too many people out there with too much time on their hands that would come up with a virus, worm, whatever and mess up the whole system. I don't want some hacker to figure out a way to change my vote without my knowledge or figure out a way to cast multiple votes for a candidate. Oh well online voting is a great idea, but I don't think I will see it in my life time and I plan to live for another 70 years. 100 years on this planet is plenty.

1 comment:

Shannon Giamalva said...

I completely agree with you on this Eniola. Online voting would greatly increase the number of people who would participate in elections. I agree that someday, online voting will be a reality.